What to Check Before You Move House

Our Guide: What to Check Before You Move House

Here’s a checklist to help you prepare for moving to your new home.

Confirm Your Moving Date

First, get your moving date officially confirmed by your conveyancers and the sellers. If you’re renting, you might be able to spread moving out and moving in over several days, allowing you to clean and paint your new home without the stress of simultaneous moving. If you’re at the end of a chain, you might have to wait longer for other transactions. Know your place in the chain and plan accordingly.

Notify Your Landlord (If Renting)

Inform your landlord of your exact move-out date. Ideally, this coincides with the end of your lease to avoid paying both rent and mortgage.

Contact Your Utility Suppliers

Notify your electricity, gas, phone, and broadband suppliers about your move. Give your phone and broadband supplier as much notice as possible, as transferring service can take weeks. Download important documents, appliance instructions, and entertainment before moving in case of internet delays. Take final meter readings and photograph them with timestamps for proof.

Get Removal Quotes

Decide on a removal option based on your budget and property size. Renting a van and enlisting friends can be cheaper but more stressful. Ensure valuables and personal documents are kept secure and with you.

Clear Out Before You Move

Use this time to declutter. Sort through clothes, electronics, and furniture, and donate or dispose of items you no longer need. Reducing the number of items will save you time and effort.

Make a List for Your New Home

Know the locations of essential items in your new home. Ask the sellers where to find:

  • Stopcock (water valve)
  • Appliance instructions
  • Gas and electricity meters
  • Thermostat
  • Fuse box

Pack and Label Boxes

Label all boxes clearly and create a checklist of their contents. Apps like Evernote can help you keep track of everything.

Settle Bills and Notify Contacts

Pay all outstanding bills and council tax on your current property. Inform the following of your address change:

  • Employer
  • Bank, insurance, pension, and credit card companies
  • Council, electoral roll
  • TV Licensing
  • Doctor and dentist
  • DVLA
  • National Insurance / DSS offices
  • Post redirection services (requires at least 5 days’ notice)

Update your address with online retailers to avoid deliveries to your old address. Send an email to friends and family with your new address and move-in date.

Prepare Essentials for Moving Day

Pack a box with essentials for the first night:

  • Kettle, mugs, tea, milk, coffee, sugar
  • Cleaning products, vacuum cleaner, bin bags
  • Phone and laptop chargers
  • Loo roll, kitchen roll
  • Duvet and bedding
  • Temporary furniture (deck chairs, etc.)
  • Television or radio

Keep important documents like passports and mortgage paperwork easily accessible.

Move Into Your New Home

After unloading, clean the property thoroughly before unpacking. Unpack room by room, starting with the kitchen. Check all utilities are functioning, ensure you have keys for all doors and windows, and find out the bin collection day.

Finally, relax with a takeaway and enjoy your new home!